2 Mistakes to Avoid When Hiring Someone to Create Your Website

Hiring a firm or freelance individual to professionally design and develop your website is a great idea. You save time and headache of trying to pull something together yourself and in a software application that you don’t know well. You end up with a professional looking and technically sound web…

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Web Best Practices: Don’t Forget to Redirect

Launching a new website is a great way to freshen up your brand and improve how you connect with customers and prospects.  But often overlooked during the excitement of launch is preserving your existing search engine value. When making the transition to a new site, be sure to redirect old…

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Why Build Your Website in a Content Management System

If you are thinking of launching a new website, or redesigning your current one, you should consider using a Content Management System (CMS). A CMS is an open-source platform that allows you to create and maintain a professional-looking website without having knowledge of HTML. Many CMS solutions are free to…

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